How do you teach the four kinds of sentences? Some of us use the terminology statement, question, command, and exclamation, and some use the terminology declarative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamatory.
All of these sentences have a different purpose. They either state something, ask a question, give an order, or express some kind of emotion.
We want our budding young writers to know these differences so that they can become more fluent writers. With practice, they will understand when to use the correct punctuation and write grammatically correct sentences.
Just like any other subject, teaching grammar can be made fun by incorporating different types of activities. I have made kid-friendly printables suitable for first grade, second grade, and ELL students, hands-on activities perfect for small group or center work, and digital games that can be played on BoomLearning.com. Go ahead and scroll down to check out some of the pictures.
Types of Sentence Worksheets and Posters
option 1: statement, question, demand, exclamation
It’s broken down into four focus sections:
Section 1: declarative sentence poster + 4 worksheets
Section 2: interrogative sentence poster + 4 worksheets
Section 3: imperative sentence poster + 4 worksheets
Section 4: exclamatory sentence poster + 4 worksheets
Second Grade Types of Sentence Worksheets and Posters
Anchor Chart and Poster Ideas for Types of Sentences
Anchor charts are great way to, of course, ‘anchor’ your students’ learning as you make it with them in class. However, if you don’t have the luxury of time to do it (and who always does?), you can use the posters included with the worksheets to make a big poster like the picture above shows.
Types of Sentence Literacy Center Activities
Each page was designed with the young learners in mind: to be not too overwhelming, to be easy to follow, and to inspire them to enjoy and learn more! I created these hands-on activities to go with the printables. My kids find them to be super fun to play in a literacy center, and in a small group setting. You will find both sets of terminology in this packet as well.
Here’s what’s included:
- sort the sentences
- dice game
- task cards (can be done individually or as a whole group in a game of SCOOT.)
Types of Sentences Digital Games
Now, you may not be familiar with this, but it’s a great tool that I want to introduce you to. Boom Learning is a completely awesome platform where you can create your own digital cards or buy any of the sets designed with creativity by other authors. Boom Learning is free to sign up to, and you can play these games as a whole class, but with a small yearly fee, you can also set up a whole classroom within the Boom platform to assign and monitor your students. You can individualize learning and get automatic progress reports which will save you a heck of a lot of time in the long run (and as we said earlier: that time sure is a luxury commodity, isn’t it? ). Boom Learning is simply awesome, so do check it out at the following link: BOOM LEARNING
Check out the previews of these two sets of Boom Cards:
Free Grammar Worksheets for 1st Grade and 2nd Grade
These grammar worksheets are all part of bundles. If you don’t want to continue to searching for fun grammar supplements for your students, try these freebies and check out the bundles! Remember, you can always save $$$ getting the bundles instead of buying the packets separately. 😉
Thanks for reading and have a great day!